THE PLATFORM Official Trailer (2020) Sci-Fi, Thriller Netflix Movie HD

THE PLATFORM Official Trailer (2020) Sci-Fi, Thriller Movie HD
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24 thoughts on “THE PLATFORM Official Trailer (2020) Sci-Fi, Thriller Netflix Movie HD

  1. I like that the person who is slightly higher up (dog lady / interviewer) has no idea what the true meaning behind an awful cause that she stands for. Enrolling and spending years standing by something she didn’t really know the (pardon the pun) depth of. It’s not until she’s at the bottom, experiencing that she truly understands the hardship and cannot deal with it when faced with it herself… a blind eye? Or a slave to her system? I actually think she represents so many different loop holes but I’m not about to write an essay :’). Overall It’s very reflective of society today. Glad I watched, food for thought ! (Dare I say)

  2. As horrifying as this film truly is, it also serves as an eye opener to how many societies function and to the daily struggles of many people, perhaps things like greed and inequality are just eternal universal laws of nature, maybe they're more applicable to humanity and/or other intelligent/able species, who knows. If you were born and stayed on the upper levels then how could you possibly appreciate what you've got. Only once all our eyes are opened then can positive change come about for everyone, or at least the idea be planted.
    In any case, never again will take a meal for granted..

  3. Was I the only one who hated this movie? The messages couldn't have been more clunky and heavy handed if they'd clobbered you over the head with a bat. It's like 'baby's first anti-capitalism'.

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