THE GORGE Official Trailer (2025) Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy

THE GORGE Official Trailer (2025)

PLOT: Two highly-trained operatives (Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy) are appointed to posts in guard towers on opposite sides of a vast and highly classified gorge, protecting the world from an undisclosed, mysterious evil that lurks within. They bond from a distance while trying to stay vigilant in defending against an unseen enemy. When the cataclysmic threat to humanity is revealed to them, they must work together in a test of both their physical and mental strength to keep the secret in the gorge before it’s too late.

RELEASE DATE: February 14, 2025

GENRE: Action, Adventure, Horror

STARS: Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy

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44 thoughts on “THE GORGE Official Trailer (2025) Miles Teller and Anya Taylor-Joy

  1. What’s with all the best actors now seem to have to make action thrillers.Shes such a good actress it seems a waste. Get her some more scripts like the queens Gambit

  2. Apple, might steal the scripts from the mac users. İ think they stole my script. They used exact idea for the concept and also they used the exact scenes from it. After, they just transformed to different story for to make it unrecognizable but they couldn't. People pls be careful with your devices and computers. As i see, they having total control of their products even after they sell it. For now it looks like they really stole my script. They might read your works or ideas right from your own devices. Now i see why Cristopher Nolan doesn't use any devices.

  3. Sadly, iniitial reactions aren't good: Incredibly generic even for the potential of its premise that attempts to mash genres. Miles teller and Anya Taylor joy lack any chemistry to make their sudden romance palpable, and it’s annoying how she has to do another Russian accent, yet again; it’s so bad, and what a waste of Sigourney Weaver. There is a bigger scope than any of his previous efforts outside of Doctor Strange here but it goes at its action horror concept just the same as those. Kudos for having practical sets and a Reznor/Ross score promised for the finished product, according to the credits. Feels very much like what this writer has done before (“The Tomorrow War”) and proves again why Derrickson is better at working with smaller budgets and creative leeway.

  4. How inane could you possibly get, guarding the "gates to hell" with scumbag murderers WHO CANNOT COMMUNICATE WITH THE OUTSIDE WORLD OR EACH OTHER… seems like typical hollywood trashmongering to me.

  5. The minute I saw Apple TV+, I was like – Oh great I'm gon forget about another amazing looking movie/show bc they blow all their budget on the actual film/show & have zero for marketing lol smh.

  6. At this point i'm convinced every film being made is using a version of Chat GPT. Please write me a story that has two lead characters in one location and its protecting a gate, could be interesting enough to an audience to watch and on a cheap budget with heavy green screen also add some monsters.

  7. Hope this isn't as stupid as it looks.
    1. Need Elite snipers to handle gatling guns
    2. No communication with outside world, so no calling for backup|
    3. No communication with the other side, so no warning the other of pending doom. But they do anyway.
    4. Hot guy and hot girl – always the ones who become elite snipers.
    5. Hire snipers to do a job, but don't tell them what it is until they get there.
    6. Guy goes to rescue girl, but falls in, so girl goes to rescue guy and gets trapped instead and needs rescuing. ugh
    7. Why guard a place with only 2 people when napalm would eliminate the threat? Or do we love all life now?

  8. I've usually regretted every Anya Taylor Joy movie I've seen so far.
    Story concept looks ok enough to give it a watch, but I also have a feeling this will make me do the "dad sat down and now he is asleep" move haha.

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