NIGHT RAIDERS Official Trailer (2021)

First trailer for night raiders.

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38 thoughts on “NIGHT RAIDERS Official Trailer (2021)

  1. I actually had a dream about a big blimp/aircraft carrier in the sky sending thousands of drones and they pretty much are designated to each person's houses.x-ray/Heat seeking and making sure the family didn't go anywhere seemed too real. i feel like it was a sign of things to come…

  2. After watching the movie it felt like it had random moments that were there for no reason and served no purpose to the plot. Like in one scene where (spoilers) Niska and the guy working with the freedom fighters are infiltrating the school to save some kids, a big drone approaches down the hall and the guy decides to sacrifice himself to let Niska save the kids, and the movie clearly wants to make a big deal out of this specific drone because it’s bigger, badder, and they have a guy saying “of fuck” when he sees it building up to the anticipation, and then… Niska just shoots it. The drone is on the floor in one shot and dead in another two. What was the point of this scene? To build suspense? Why, it didn’t do anything for the plot. The drone doesn’t even come back at the end of the film. It’s just dead and that was it’s whole purpose. There’s also the end of the movie where Niska gets shot saving her daughter when a soldier snuck behind enemy lines, and it’s supposed to assumedly be sad, but Niska is fine. She just lies there with her daughter on the ground and some people wrap them in a blanket and don’t seem to be in a rush to get her medical attention so it appears she is going to be fine. Why ad this in the movie? Why did she have to get shot? It’s literally the final scene of the movie! It just felt like a stupid way to end the movie in suspense to get a shock out of your audience. These are just two examples of scenes that were pointless. They are probably just there to push the runtime of the movie with filler or because the director thought they would be cool and that’s it. They muddle the movie and are pretty much pointless, making me more confused than anything else. It just made me like the movie a lot less. And I don’t care if the movie is “an allegory for the residential schools” or “teaching the white man about indigenous history,” a message doesn’t excuse a boring, confusing movie.

    And before you try to call me racist, I’m an Indigenous-African-American mix. Can’t pull that card on me.

  3. I think the last half of the trailer confuses the first half. It goes from the "Last of Us" to "Level 16." That's a hard bad guy to portray on film and still have a larger audience. It looks pretty cool though.

  4. I thought it was gunna be about a mother trying to escape a gang that’s been hired by social services to get the child because they assume the mother is unfit. lol. but this will do too I guess.

  5. There are hidden meanings in the way the elders are speaking which doesn't reflect on the interpretation. They're speaking to the native people, the elders rarely speak but when they did in this portrayal they are speaking loudly metaphorically which is something to be listened to carefully. This has nothing to do with residential school or child soldiers they're encouraging the native people to be strong against adversity and everything else that we may face and fight for our children or we may lose a war against something we can't see.

  6. I got what the story was about but it was a pretty boring movie tbh. And Im not talking about the lack of action or bullets flying. It just seemed fairly meh and the interaction, chemistry and dialogue were blah. This goes into B movie non memorable for me. Shame, it seems to have gotten pretty good reviews. Cheap enough on Amazon I suppose, but now I kind of wish I had just spent the 25 bucks on Dune.

  7. 0:37 the same design as the United Nations.
    Taika Waititi being part of the club of scumbags pushing this story and other propaganda films.
    The Academy, similar to The Farm for intelligence agencies messing with kids.

    They have to tell us what they plan to do in subtle ways.

  8. любой баран считает что он может описать апокалипсис..
    я вам так скажу.. если встанут заводы через 10-20 лет почти не останется людей носящих кроссовки и длинные волосы, просто потому что первые за такой срок развалятся, а обладателей вторых будет легко поймать на ужин или посадить на цепь работать за еду, и это не единственные артефакты цивилизации которых не будет.. ножи, топоры, арбалеты и мечи – это будет.

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